Once your team is accepted, please follow these next steps…
1. Go to the web address: HOME PAGE at https://cantoncup.tourneycentral.com
2. Enter your TEAM ID NUMBER in the login field (left side center under “Facts at a Glance.”
Your TEAM ID NUMBER should look like this: CANTONCUP1234567890
3. Click on the LOG IN button
4. You will be sent to a page with your team information.
5. Click on the link that says "Click Here to CONFIRM Acceptance"
6. You will then be sent to a page that lists all the FORMS you will need for registration.
B - ENTER YOUR ROSTER (Can only be done after you accept)
1. Login to your team account using the above instructions and you will see a link to enter your roster. If you make and CHANGES (adds/drops), please make sure to update the roster
1. Please note you must have the following forms before proceeding:
2. Official League Roster
3. Team passcards (except recreational teams playing in recreational brackets
4. Guest player forms (if applicable)
5. Permission to travel (non-Michigan teams only)
6. Confirm that you have the following documents and will have them on hand if needed:
i. Liability Waiver (for each player)
ii. Medical Release Form (for each player)
iii. Concussion Form (for each player)
iv. Coach’s VALID Risk Management
v. Coach’s VALID Concussion Training
2. Once you have the above, go to https://shareaform.com/cantoncup/ and upload the needed forms.
IMPORTANT: Again, if you make any changes to the roster you must upload all documents again, not just for the new adds.
For any issues with the above, please reach out to CantonCupReg@gmail.com.
Thank you,
The Canton Cup Team