Are you interested in being part of the Canton Cup Crew?
We know that having quality referees can make or break the Canton Cup experience. In order to be considered, you must meet the following criteria:
1. You must be 13/14 years old.
2. You must be a grade 8 referee (Grade 9 will be considered with minimum experience of 2 years).
To apply is easy, please email Jamie Kaczanowski at [email protected] with the following information:
• Name
• Referee Grade
• Cell Phone #
• Email
• Experience (both league and tournaments)
What’s Next?
Jamie will enter your information into where you will be notified with instructions, game availability, etc.
Assigning will begin no earlier than two weeks prior to the start of the tournament. Once you are assigned a game, you will receive an email and/or text (depending on how you set up your Game Officials account) stating that you have been offered a game(s). Friday games will be assigned first, followed by games on Saturday, and Sunday.
Tournament Locations
Independence Park: 620 Denton Road, Canton MI
Heritage Park: 46202 Heritage Park Road, Canton, MI
Plymouth Canton Education Park (PCEP)
Game Times
Friday: 5pm kick off (maximum of 3 games on each field)
Saturday: 7am kick off (8 am kick off on small sided games)
Sunday: 7am kick off (8 am kick off on small sided games)
The tournament will provide a continental breakfast, lunch, and dinner on Saturday. A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided on Sunday. There will be beverages in each referee tent at all locations. Referee tents will be well marked. No coffee will be provided. For your convenience, there will be vendors at each location selling coffee.
Referee Meeting
There will be a referee meeting at 4 pm at Independence Park, Heritage Park, and Plymouth Canton Educational Park (PCEP) on the Friday of the tournament at 4pm. A follow up email will be sent out a few days prior to the meeting with the exact spot at each location.
Out of Town Referees
The tournament does provide lodging for out of town referees who travel over 30 miles one way. The tournament does not reimburse for mileage.
Referees will receive pay stubs per game and will turn those in at the end for payment.
2022 Payscale (Center & AR's)
• U7-U8 (4v4): $25
• U8-U10 (7v7): $30-$20-$20
• U11-U12 (9v9): $35-$25-$25
• U13-U19 (11v11): $45-$35-$35
In addition, each referee will receive a commemorative flip coin.
If you have any questions regarding reffing at the tournament, please contact the referee coordinator Jamie Kaczanowski at
[email protected] or 734-716-7078.